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  • Writer's pictureJenn Bakos

Something about that open road…

This is it. The beginning. The first post of hopefully to be many posts documenting the infamous road trip I’ve been talking about doing since I was 15 (more or less) and the trip I really started talking about the past year and a half. Are you ready? Am I ready? Can one ever be ready for what life is throwing their way?

I’ve thought about this post for a while. I’ve pictured it in my head and thought about what I’ve wanted to write. It’s going to be a long one so if you’re not into reading a long sentimental reasoning and explanation behind this grand adventure, it’s cool, I get it, you can totally skip ahead! I won’t be mad, I promise! There will be many pictures to come, don’t worry!

For those of you who are interested, keep going!


It’s more than a road trip.

It’s more than long hours of driving, camping, visiting. It’s so much more than that. Anyone could hop in a car if they wanted and do a quick trip across and back, no problem. People do it all the time. That’s not the point though. To me this symbolizes an independence, a spiritual journey, a last hurrah in a way. I cannot sit at home, comfortable in my little world for very long. A few years ago I decided I would go to someplace new every year if I could. Living in San Francisco for 6 months changed my life in a lot of ways. I gained a very new perspective on how the world worked, and I really learned a lot about myself. I refer to the past as before and after I lived in California, because it was truly that life changing. Since then, I get the itch to travel and reach outside of my comfort zone. I consider myself a “recovering introvert” (patent pending) because I’ve always been a very reserved and shy person. However, deep down, I have this aching feeling I need to get out there and see what this incredible world has to offer me, and also see what I can offer to it. There’s also a huge risk with not living your life (in my opinion). Living in fear, you will never know what you can do, accomplish, or see. I totally get it and it’s something I struggle with daily. This is one of the reasons I must do this.

In a way it’s a test, and in another way it’s definitely for fun! In another sense I feel most spiritual and at peace when I’m surrounded by the beauty of the natural world.

Another point is that life is too short. Things happen, and you don’t know when, but life will throw you curve balls. I cannot wait to do this, it has to be now, there’s no better time! Do what you want and what you love now before you can’t do it anymore! Think about the memories and the stories you will have after…

I’m also very excited to explore, take photos, video, visit friends, and do things I’ve never done!

I want to leave you with some inspirational quotes – I’ve become a collector of them in a way and try to remember them when trying situations come up. I hope they help you and inspire you too.

“You will either step forward into growth, or back into safety.”

“We will never know our full potential unless we push ourselves to find it.”

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” -Anais Nin

“Two things to aim for in life: to get what you want and enjoy it.”

“Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in – the mountains are calling, and I must go.”


I just wanted to quickly note how awesome the support I’ve been getting is – My friends, boyfriend, and family have been so great to me and I can’t thank them enough for helping me prepare for this crazy thing I’m about to do. You guys are awesome and I will miss you so much! 


Follow me and my journey on instagram @jennbakos and #JBontheroad


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