2017 was a fantastic wedding year for me! All of my couples were so incredibly nice, welcoming, and fun. I really appreciate the folks who let me capture their big day, and trust me with the process. I feel like each wedding this year was so unique in it’s own way and I got to shoot at some beautiful locations. I enjoy backyard weddings, rustic or farm weddings, mountain weddings…really anything to do with nature and can’t wait to see where the next year will bring me. I truly photographed weddings this year in rain and snow, it’s never a boring job! I couldn’t have done it with out my amazing 2nd shooter, Jennifer Mowry. She’s an incredible assistant and photographer!
{Scroll down to see engagement photos and senior portraits}

Engagements and Couples

Portraits and High School Senior Photos

#newhampshirewedding #rusticwedding #concordnewhampshire #seniorportraits #newhampshireseniorportraits #bedfordvillageinn #outdoorsywedding #engagement #weddings #backyardwedding #winterwedding #bearbrookstatepark #mountainwedding #bostonengagement #watervillevalleywedding #concordaudobonwedding #lakesregionnhwedding #farms #wagonhillfarmengagement #jerichomountainwedding #winnipesaukee #sergeantscenterwedding #newhampshireengagement #dogportrait #lochlymelodge #yogaportrait #nhstateparks #seacoastnh #seacoastsciencecenter #styledwedding #smallweddings #elopements