Pizza. Bread. Being outside. Working with inspiring and like-minded people.
I love all of these things so much!
My friend Jess of Culture to Table and I have done a food photography class in the past at The Studio of Photographic Arts in Manchester, and we were itching to do another! Jess connected us with Cheryl of Nomad Bakery – an amazing baker in Derry, NH (check her out on NH Chronicle soon!). We decided to do a class on photographing a food story and something a little more editorial than the staged shots. It was such a blast! When you put together like-minded and inspired people, magic really happens! Cheryl explained parts of her dough making process and baked the pizzas in her outdoor cob oven (so cool!!). We were able to teach and explain our different approaches to capturing the story and process and I think our students enjoyed it as much as we did!

#traditions #baking #newhampshiresmallbusiness #women #kneadingdough #foodphotography #NHbakedgoods #foodclass #culturetotable #artisanal #womenphotographers #NewEnglandBakers #editorial #newhampshirefoodphotographer #traditional #DerryNH #inspiredbyfood #NomadBakery #NewHampshire #coboven #pizzaoven #homemade #artisanpizza #NHBakery #pizzadough #NH #womenbakers #breadmaking #outdoorpizza #artisanbread #localbakery #foodislife #handmade #pizzamaking #foodblogging #lifestyle