A few weeks ago I was excitedly getting ready for a weekend I had been waiting for since March. Upon first hearing about the First We Eat Workshops, I was a few months too late for their first one which had been in Vermont and looked like a dream! After seeing the posts about the dinners and the food and the company I made it my mission to be at their next New England hosted workshop! When March came along and they announced sign ups for Cape Cod, I jumped at the chance and made my deposit.
Over the last few years my love for New England has grown and grown alongside my love for food, farm to table, and small businesses. This workshop was really the combination of all of those things put together with photography. Does it really get much better than that? I mean, the description was: “Food photography, food styling, and cheesemaking workshop”. (!!!)
Um, yes. I LOVE cheese.
The other selling point to me was being able to meet and learn from some of my favorite food photographers/bloggers. The incredibly talented Carey Nershi and Eva Kosmas Flores were to be our instructors for the weekend. If you haven’t checked out their work, you really must, it is incredible!
So me and a bunch of other talented and fun women showed up on the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend, at this old saltbox cape home on Long Pond in Plymouth, greeted by these two photographers and a lovely setup of props, linens draped from twine, and a pretty little breakfast setup. Carey, Eva, and their assistant Renee, made us breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Let me tell you, there was no meal where you didn’t hear some one say, “This is the best meal I’ve ever had!” Everything was just that good. And even better was the fact that we all waited to take photos of everything before we sat down. Truly a room full of foodies!
One of the greatest parts about this workshop was talking and getting to know each person in attendance. Everyone came from an interesting background and had so much to share. These ladies were also so welcoming and hilarious so everyone felt very comfortable with each other. I truly had such a great time getting to know them all. (See their websites/instagrams here: Becky, Jennifer, Brandy, Leslie, Olga, Camaron, and C.J.)
Then there was the cheese.
I don’t believe I’ve ever eaten so much cheese in one weekend. We were able to taste all of the different types and learn about what goes into making them. There’s a lot of science involved, and it was very interesting! Our cheese making demo was great. Eva and Carey showed us how to make ricotta and mozzarella which seemed pretty simple and I’m excited to try it out very soon. Be sure to check out the photos of the cheese so you can really see all the different types we had…especially humorous were the two giant blocks of blue cheese!
It was amazing. Please check out more images on instagram tagged #FWEEVENTS and be sure to check out the little video I made at the end!

Below is a list of the vendors and sponsors from our great trip which I copied from Eva’s site incase you are curious about some of the beautiful things in our images!
Luna Moss | Beautiful seasonal flower arrangements & installations |
Repeat Press | Custom letterpress menus |
New England Cheesemaking Supply | soft + hard cheese cultures + muslin + moulds for each attendee |
Nershi Woodworks | wooden cheese board + knife for each attendee |
Alma Chocolate | toffee bars for each attendee |
1Canoe2 | herb skillet recipe cards + welcome greetings for each attendee | Treehouse Chocolate Co. | Rich gourmet hot chocolate for each attendee |
Jasper Hill Farm | Moses Sleeper + Weybridge + Oma + Harbison |
Grafton Village Cheese | Clothbound Cheddar + Sage Cheddar + 1 and 2 Year Aged Cheddars + Smoked Chili Cheddar |
Vermont Creamery | Bonne Bouche + Bijou + Coupole + Crottin + Cremont + Feta + Chèvre |
Read more: http://www.adventures-in-cooking.com/2015/06/cape-cod-photography-workshop.html#ixzz3cDVrDcLB
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