Back in the spring of this year I had the wonderful opportunity to take pictures for Edible Capital District, a new magazine that is part of the Edible Communities. You may have heard of Edible Boston? It’s part of that large community of food magazines that span all over the US (and beyond, I think?). My first assignment was to cover an up and coming distillery out of Albany, NY. I had a great time meeting the guys, Rich and John and their awesome distillery cat Cooper! I was able to see a lot of the process that goes on behind making whiskey, something I didn’t know much about, and it was great to learn a bit! I’ve also never spent much time in New York so it was a great new adventure for me. I loved this shoot and working with Edible Capitol District and I can’t wait to share more that I’ve done! Be sure to check out both their websites and stop by the distillery sometime if you’re in Albany!
#albanynewyork #masonjars #whiskey #whiskeybarrel #rye #foodphotography #process #albanydistillingco #distilleryprocess #ediblecapitoldistrict #cocktails #drinks #magazine #chemistry #editorial #albany #foodphotographer #makingalcohol #wheat #awards #food #ediblecommunities #historicalbrickbuildings #ironweedwhiskey #cats #alcohol #portraits #corn #capitoldistrict #bourbon